The JGA conference is dedicated to uniting members of the French research
community interested in Computational Geometry and related fields, including
but not restricted to Geometric and Topological data analysis, Combinatorics,
Computer Graphics, Discrete Geometry, Optimal Transport and Geometric Measure
Theory, among other areas.
The conference is especially geared towards creating an environment for young
members of the research community, including PhD students and postdocs, to
present their recent results and to interact with other researchers. One of
the main goals is to foster and encourage new ideas in a welcoming setting.
JGA 2017
The biennial French meeting on computational geometry (JGA 2017 Journées de Géométrie Algorithmique) will take place between: December 10th and December 15th 2017.
This year it will be held in the Centre Paul-Langevin, Aussois, which is in the Savoie region of France.
Invited speakers
This year, we are happy to announce 5 mini-courses by invited speakers. These include:
Nicolas Bonichon (Univ. de Bordeaux): Quelques résultats sur les spanners géométriques
Jean Cardinal (ULB, Bruxelles): The geometry of 3SUM, k-SUM, and related problems
Günter Rote (Freie Universität Berlin): The Computational Geometry of Congruence Testing
Luis Theran (University of St Andrews): TBA
Irene Waldspurger (Univ. Paris Dauphine): Algorithms for phase retrieval problems
Call for abstracts (oral presentations)
You are invited to submit an abstract+title for short oral presentations (25/30 minutes): please send an email as soon as possible ( with subject 'JGA 2017 abstracts'.
The registration procedure is closed.
Financial support
Limited amount of travel support for students is available. See the registration page for more details.